; This is a polar exchange file ; Comments start with a ';' in column 1 [Airfoil] Airfoilname=MH 110 NumberSets=2 [Set1] Origin=Eppler PROFIL (calculation) Description1=smooth surface (r=0) Description2=Created Sat Mar 08 19:40:59 1997 Description3=Copyright 1997 Martin Hepperle NumberPolars=3 [Set1-Polar1] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=500000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=500000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0113 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0078 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0074 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0074 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0075 0.0404 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0079 0.0392 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0082 0.0379 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0090 0.0358 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0097 0.0344 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0101 0.0339 Value11=6.50 0.71 0.0104 0.0338 Value12=7.00 0.74 0.0139 0.0406 Value13=8.00 0.73 0.0154 0.0550 Value14=9.00 0.74 0.0173 0.0598 [Set1-Polar2] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=700000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=700000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0106 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0077 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0070 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0069 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0069 0.0406 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0072 0.0396 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0075 0.0383 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0082 0.0359 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0089 0.0344 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0091 0.0339 Value11=6.50 0.72 0.0094 0.0334 Value12=7.00 0.75 0.0130 0.0378 Value13=8.00 0.76 0.0144 0.0522 Value14=9.00 0.77 0.0162 0.0594 [Set1-Polar3] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=1000000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=1000000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0101 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0074 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0067 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0065 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0065 0.0406 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0066 0.0396 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0068 0.0386 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0075 0.0361 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0081 0.0345 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0084 0.0340 Value11=6.50 0.72 0.0086 0.0334 Value12=7.00 0.76 0.0120 0.0363 Value13=8.00 0.80 0.0135 0.0480 Value14=9.00 0.80 0.0151 0.0584 [Set2] Origin=Eppler PROFIL (calculation) Description1=rough surface (r=3) Description2=Created Sat Mar 08 19:40:59 1997 Description3=Copyright 1997 Martin Hepperle NumberPolars=3 [Set2-Polar1] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=500000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=500000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0120 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0109 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0103 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0098 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0096 0.0406 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0093 0.0396 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0093 0.0386 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0095 0.0364 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0100 0.0347 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0105 0.0343 Value11=6.50 0.71 0.0109 0.0342 Value12=7.00 0.74 0.0139 0.0407 Value13=8.00 0.73 0.0155 0.0555 Value14=9.00 0.74 0.0173 0.0604 [Set2-Polar2] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=700000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=700000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0114 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0105 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0100 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0096 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0093 0.0406 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0092 0.0396 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0090 0.0386 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0091 0.0364 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0095 0.0347 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0098 0.0341 Value11=6.50 0.71 0.0101 0.0337 Value12=7.00 0.75 0.0131 0.0379 Value13=8.00 0.76 0.0145 0.0526 Value14=9.00 0.77 0.0162 0.0601 [Set2-Polar3] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=1000000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=1000000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=14 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-4.00 -0.44 0.0109 0.0443 Value02=-3.00 -0.33 0.0101 0.0434 Value03=-2.00 -0.22 0.0097 0.0425 Value04=-1.00 -0.11 0.0094 0.0416 Value05=0.00 0.00 0.0091 0.0406 Value06=1.00 0.11 0.0090 0.0396 Value07=2.00 0.22 0.0089 0.0386 Value08=4.00 0.44 0.0089 0.0364 Value09=5.50 0.61 0.0092 0.0347 Value10=6.00 0.66 0.0093 0.0341 Value11=6.50 0.72 0.0097 0.0335 Value12=7.00 0.76 0.0123 0.0364 Value13=8.00 0.80 0.0136 0.0482 Value14=9.00 0.80 0.0152 0.0588