; This is a polar exchange file ; Comments start with a ';' in column 1 [Airfoil] Airfoilname=MH 102 NumberSets=2 [Set1] Origin=Eppler PROFIL (calculation) Description1=smooth surface (r=0) Description2=Created Sat Mar 08 19:40:59 1997 Description3=Copyright 1997 Martin Hepperle NumberPolars=3 [Set1-Polar1] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=500000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=500000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0111 -0.0561 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0107 -0.0575 Value03=0.00 -0.00 0.0105 -0.0605 Value04=2.00 0.22 0.0107 -0.0633 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0108 -0.0660 Value06=6.00 0.64 0.0104 -0.0682 Value07=8.00 0.85 0.0112 -0.0696 Value08=10.00 1.04 0.0136 -0.0662 Value09=12.00 1.14 0.0169 -0.0498 Value10=14.00 1.22 0.0212 -0.0374 Value11=16.00 1.28 0.0269 -0.0307 Value12=17.00 1.30 0.0304 -0.0294 [Set1-Polar2] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=700000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=700000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0103 -0.0560 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0099 -0.0575 Value03=0.00 -0.00 0.0097 -0.0607 Value04=2.00 0.22 0.0099 -0.0636 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0099 -0.0664 Value06=6.00 0.65 0.0095 -0.0689 Value07=8.00 0.86 0.0102 -0.0706 Value08=10.00 1.05 0.0124 -0.0690 Value09=12.00 1.17 0.0155 -0.0547 Value10=14.00 1.25 0.0195 -0.0404 Value11=16.00 1.31 0.0249 -0.0318 Value12=17.00 1.34 0.0281 -0.0298 [Set1-Polar3] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=1000000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=1000000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0096 -0.0559 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0092 -0.0574 Value03=0.00 0.00 0.0091 -0.0608 Value04=2.00 0.22 0.0092 -0.0639 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0091 -0.0668 Value06=6.00 0.65 0.0089 -0.0694 Value07=8.00 0.86 0.0095 -0.0714 Value08=10.00 1.06 0.0115 -0.0710 Value09=12.00 1.20 0.0142 -0.0601 Value10=14.00 1.29 0.0179 -0.0440 Value11=16.00 1.35 0.0229 -0.0335 Value12=17.00 1.38 0.0260 -0.0305 [Set2] Origin=Eppler PROFIL (calculation) Description1=rough surface (r=3) Description2=Created Sat Mar 08 19:40:59 1997 Description3=Copyright 1997 Martin Hepperle NumberPolars=3 [Set2-Polar1] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=500000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=500000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0120 -0.0562 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0117 -0.0576 Value03=0.00 -0.00 0.0112 -0.0603 Value04=2.00 0.21 0.0113 -0.0631 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0117 -0.0657 Value06=6.00 0.64 0.0125 -0.0675 Value07=8.00 0.84 0.0139 -0.0676 Value08=10.00 1.00 0.0159 -0.0584 Value09=12.00 1.10 0.0189 -0.0444 Value10=14.00 1.18 0.0231 -0.0346 Value11=16.00 1.25 0.0287 -0.0298 Value12=17.00 1.28 0.0321 -0.0292 [Set2-Polar2] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=700000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=700000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0115 -0.0561 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0110 -0.0575 Value03=0.00 -0.00 0.0106 -0.0605 Value04=2.00 0.22 0.0107 -0.0634 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0110 -0.0661 Value06=6.00 0.64 0.0120 -0.0679 Value07=8.00 0.85 0.0135 -0.0686 Value08=10.00 1.01 0.0153 -0.0614 Value09=12.00 1.12 0.0181 -0.0467 Value10=14.00 1.20 0.0220 -0.0361 Value11=16.00 1.27 0.0272 -0.0302 Value12=17.00 1.30 0.0304 -0.0291 [Set2-Polar3] ; the following line for compatibility with older versions Re-Nr=1000000 ; future versions should use the following line ReynoldsNumber=1000000 MachNumber=0.00 Description1= NumberPoints=12 ;---- Alpha Cl Cd Cm Value01=-3.00 -0.33 0.0110 -0.0560 Value02=-2.00 -0.22 0.0104 -0.0574 Value03=0.00 -0.00 0.0101 -0.0607 Value04=2.00 0.22 0.0101 -0.0636 Value05=4.00 0.43 0.0107 -0.0662 Value06=6.00 0.64 0.0116 -0.0682 Value07=8.00 0.85 0.0130 -0.0692 Value08=10.00 1.03 0.0148 -0.0641 Value09=12.00 1.13 0.0174 -0.0492 Value10=14.00 1.22 0.0210 -0.0377 Value11=16.00 1.29 0.0259 -0.0309 Value12=17.00 1.33 0.0289 -0.0293