MH 44

Low moment coefficient airfoil for tailless model aircraft
See also
MH 45, MH 60.


Calculated Polars (PROFIL/Eppler):

Calculated Polars (X-Foil/Drela):

All Polars in XML format

Coordinates in XML format

  x        y
100.000   0.000
 99.653   0.006
 98.629   0.044
 96.970   0.147
 94.719   0.330
 91.923   0.602
 88.634   0.969
 84.914   1.428
 80.834   1.973
 76.479   2.575
 71.902   3.179
 67.127   3.755
 62.196   4.301
 57.168   4.808
 52.097   5.257
 47.030   5.638
 42.023   5.942
 37.128   6.155
 32.392   6.267
 27.856   6.271
 23.561   6.159
 19.540   5.934
 15.827   5.599
 12.454   5.160
  9.448   4.624
  6.830   4.000
  4.617   3.303
  2.820   2.552
  1.449   1.773
  0.505   0.999
  0.000   0.282
  0.022  -0.294
  0.635  -0.795
  1.800  -1.311
  3.464  -1.811
  5.599  -2.275
  8.179  -2.680
 11.183  -3.003
 14.602  -3.232
 18.411  -3.370
 22.585  -3.424
 27.085  -3.406
 31.862  -3.328
 36.863  -3.197
 42.035  -3.025
 47.321  -2.820
 52.657  -2.593
 57.982  -2.356
 63.229  -2.114
 68.335  -1.875
 73.235  -1.641
 77.872  -1.418
 82.187  -1.204
 86.129  -1.004
 89.650  -0.815
 92.706  -0.642
 95.259  -0.480
 97.277  -0.329
 98.743  -0.177
 99.670  -0.049
100.000   0.000
This airfoil has originally been distributed to the test team only, but seems to have escaped from them near the German/Swiss/French border and leapt into freedom.
Last update of this page: October, 20, 1996

Last modification of this page: 04.10.04

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© 1996-2005 Martin Hepperle
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